Are gyms open in the UK?
Gyms have reopened in the UK on the 25th of july.
In an environment where several people use each equipment in a day, hand hygiene should be a priority. Ensure your visitors and staff can keep their hands clean by using soap and water. This does not kill the germs but removes them from the hand and therefore helps in reducing the number of harmful bacteria and viruses.
In order to kill germs, we need to disinfect surfaces such as gym equipment, door handles and even changing room surfaces.
Make sure you use sanitisers too to decrease the number of harmful germs on objects or even on your hands. Post notices in your building and next to equipment. You have surface wipes or sprays available throughout the building so wiping down surfaces is a quick and easy job for both visitors and staff. Encourage visitors to clean surfaces before use too to enhance safety and make sure you replace/refill those sanitisers/wipes once they've been used up.
Housekeeping areas such as cleaning cupboards and storage should also be kept clean and sanitised as these places tend to be a hub for germs and viruses that were picked up throughout cleaning the building.
Got a food area in your establishment? Many gyms and wellbeing places offer healthy snacks or even all day breakfast to their customers - make sure the kitchen and seating areas are kept clean to reduce the spread of infection especially during a pandemic.
The quality of the products you use is also important. Using gym equipment can be heavy on the hands as it is, you don’t want your visitors to complain about dry hands and irritated skin, especially if you consider how many equipment gym-goers use during a visit – meaning they’ll use the products and hand sanitisers on display more than once. Check if the products you’re buying contain skin conditioner - a good hand sanitiser can still be strong without causing skin irritation.
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