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Overcoming The Invisible Enemy In Public Washrooms

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

Customers are known to avoid businesses when they encounter dirty washrooms.

Whiffy smells, dirty surfaces and toilet cubicles are enough to send your customers on their way, never to return. Business owners are often so busy with daily operations that they forget how important clean washrooms are to their customer experience.

A washroom may not be visually dirty, but there lies invisible enemies. Bacteria often resides in cracks, crevices, and other surfaces, and unless managed can cause health issues. Never have Health and Safety initiatives been so warmly welcomed by so many in this ‘Covid’ climate.

Gems Hygiene products come to the rescue by way of targeting bacteria elimination and protection. Cleaning thoroughly cannot be over emphasised in respect of both customers and staff.

There are a number of actions a business can implement to minimise bacteria and maintain healthy environments. Some useful tips are:

  1. Regular cleaning of toilets and their surrounding environment is key. Toilet 'Splash Backs 'are particularly important.

  2. Slippery floors require a thorough clean, not only to avoid accidents and remove dirt, but to minimise or eliminate associated bacteria.

  3. People often consider a washroom dirty if it's smelly. Sometimes a room can be visually clean, but can really give off whiffy smells. This may suggest that unseen bacteria are causing problems. The solution is both thorough cleaning as well as freshening products.

  4. Remember customers often check their reflection whilst washing their hands. Specific attention should therefore be paid to mirrors, as they often contain splashes of bacteria.

  5. Remember to keep soap dispensers regularly topped up.

  6. Repair any cracks and crevices, as bacteria reside everywhere, particularly in hidden places.

Gems Hygiene have a wide range of products catering for all of your cleaning and health and safety needs. Help and guidance is simply a phone call away. Customer enquiries are welcomed, as meeting customers hygiene needs are very important to the general and specific Health and Welfare of us all. Gems Hygiene products are at your fingertips, to help improve your customer experience and provide visibility in your high cleaning standards.

This Month's Gem Hygiene Products Walkthrough

  • Sani-Fresh is ideal for the regular cleaning of ceramics, painted surfaces, stainless steel, floors, and all nonporous surfaces. Available in 6 x 1 litre packs.

  • Sani-Clean is a powerful modern thick toilet cleaner and descaler with jet action to prevent waste. Available in 6 x 1 litre packs.

  • D-Odouriser, the strength lies in its versatility. It is particularly useful on drains, toilets and dustbins, but it will also eliminate odours on floors, walls, tiles, carpets and curtains. Available in 5 litres containers.

Our cleaning products are quick and easy to use, sanitise at a high level and target Covid-19 bacteria.  Bulk buying is available for all products.

If you are a consumer, concentrated cleaning products will eliminate your need to buy in bulk. This will save you from storing excess products, making your business more effective in tackling climate change.

* Please remember to recycle used plastic bottles appropriately.

For more information about our product instructions and their environmental benefits feel free to give us a call on 0800 0778309 to speak to a member of our team.



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